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JavaScript Interview Questions
- Authors
- Name
- Sunny Sharma
- @svsunnysharma
JavaScript is world most popular language for coding web applications, mobile application and desktop application.
Q1 - What are the Different Data Types in JavaScript and difference between Primitive Type and Non Primitive Type ?
Ans :-Primitive Type are immutable
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- undefined
- null
- symbol
Non Primitive Type - are reference type and mutable
- Objects
- functions
- array
Q2 - What's the Difference between var, let, const ?
Ans :-var
are globally scoped or function/locally scoped.let
is block scoped code bounded by {} and it can be updated but not re-declaredconst
is block scoped code bounded by {} and it cannot be updated but not re-declared
Q3 - What are the types of function in JavaScript ?
Ans :-Function Declaration
function calculateTip(percentage, price) {
return (percentage / 100) * price
Function Expression
const divideNumber = function (number, n) {
return number / n
Anonymous Function
;(function () {
console.log('I am an expression')
Arrow Function
const arrFunc => {
return 'this is arrow method';
Q4 - what is IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function.
Ans:- IIFE is JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined also called Anonymous Function;(function () {
Q5- how create custom array method in JavaScript ?
Ans:- JavaScript is prototype based language . so we can define custom method in array class two multiply all elemts in array.Array.prototype.multiple3 = function (ele) {
let ab = []
let array = this
for (let a of array) {
ab.push(a * 2)
return ab
let arr = ['2', '3', '4']
Q6- what is Hoisting in javascript ?
Ans:- Hoisting is mechanism where variables and function declarations are lift to the top of their scope. In this example `myname` variable move up and hello method console return `hello john doe`.function hello() {
console.log('hello ' + myName)
var myName = 'john doe'
Q7 - what is closure in javascript ?
Ans:- Closure is a inner function have access to outher function variable and chain scope . closure have scope of inner variables , outer variables and globally// global variable
var c = 10
function outerScope() {
// outer variable
var b = 10
function innerScope() {
// inner variable
var a = 10
console.log(a + b + c) // 30
return inner
Q8- difference between shallow copy and deep copy of object ?
Ans:-Shallow copy just copy reference addresses of object.
var user = { name: 'john doe', age: 18, Profession: 'Software Developer' }
var userDuplicate = user //Shallow copy!
userDuplicate.name = 'mike'
console.log(user.name) // mike
Deep copy is copy object with its refrence addresses of object. spread oprater
and Object.assign({})
only copy one level object . for Deep clone of nested object we use JSON.parse(JSON.stringfy({}))
but it will not copy function in object , for deep clone we can use Lodash
lib method _.cloneDeep({})
for Deep clone nested object with functions
var user = { name: 'john doe', age: 18, Profession: 'Software Developer' }
// For simple JSON objects deep copy
var newUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user))
//if you use jQuery, you can use:
// Shallow copy
var newUser = jQuery.extend({}, user)
// Deep copy
var newUser = jQuery.extend(true, {}, user)
// lodash Deep copy
var newUser = _.cloneDeep(user)